Habari za bidhaa

  • Matukio ya matumizi ya chasi ya seva ya Mnara wa Mnara

    Matukio ya matumizi ya chasi ya seva ya Mnara wa Mnara

    **Title: Explore the application scenarios of tower workstation server chassis** In an ever-evolving technology landscape, the demand for powerful computing solutions continues to grow. Kati ya chaguzi anuwai za vifaa vinavyopatikana, chasi ya seva ya mnara wa kazi imekuwa chaguo maarufu kwa ...
    Soma zaidi
  • In the ever-evolving world of data centers and high-performance computing, the need for efficient thermal management solutions has never been more pressing. Kuanzisha chasi ya seva ya maji iliyochomwa na maji, suluhisho la hali ya juu iliyoundwa ili kukidhi mahitaji madhubuti ya mazingira ya kisasa ya kompyuta ...
    Soma zaidi
  • Vipengele vya chasi ya seva ya 4U na backplane ya 12GB

    Vipengele vya chasi ya seva ya 4U na backplane ya 12GB

    **Introducing the Ultimate 4U Server Chassis with 12GB Backplane: The Perfect Combination of Power and Versatility** In today's fast-paced digital environment, businesses need powerful and reliable server solutions to meet the growing data processing and storage needs. 4U ...
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  • Upeo wa maombi ya chasi ya seva ya GPU

    Upeo wa maombi ya chasi ya seva ya GPU

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  • Matumizi na sifa za IPC-510 RACK-Mbegu ya Udhibiti wa Viwanda vya Udhibiti wa Viwanda

    Matumizi na sifa za IPC-510 RACK-Mbegu ya Udhibiti wa Viwanda vya Udhibiti wa Viwanda

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  • Tabia za chasi ya seva iliyochomwa na kioevu

    Tabia za chasi ya seva iliyochomwa na kioevu

    ### The Rise of Liquid-Cooled Server Chassis: A Game Changer for Data Center Efficiency In the evolving data center landscape, the need for efficient cooling solutions has never been greater. Kama mashirika yanaendelea kushinikiza mipaka ya nguvu ya kompyuta, njia za jadi za baridi za hewa ni ...
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  • Mfano wa matumizi ya chasi ya seva

    Mfano wa matumizi ya chasi ya seva

    In the ever-evolving world of information technology, server chassis play a key role in the architecture of data centers, cloud computing and enterprise IT environments. Chassis ya seva kimsingi ni kizuizi ambacho huweka vifaa vya seva, pamoja na ubao wa mama, usambazaji wa umeme, baridi ...
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  • Uainishaji wa chasi ya seva

    Uainishaji wa chasi ya seva

    Classification of server chassis When referring to server case, we often talk about 2U server caseor 4U server case, so what is the U in the server case? Before answering this question, let's briefly introduce the server chassis. ...
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  • Kesi za kompyuta zilizowekwa kwenye kazi

    Kesi za kompyuta zilizowekwa kwenye kazi

    Rack mount pc case function: The use environment of rack mount pc case is generally harsh, with high temperature, low temperature, high humidity, long-term uninterrupted operation, and places with a lot of dust layer noise, so the protection requirements for rack Mlima ...
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